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On September 07, 2020, the Rameyev high-tech Technopark hosted a seminar on "the Leader gets "YES": the art of constructive dialogue".

Alexander Fridman, consultant and business coach, managing partner of the consulting company Amadeus Group, Riga, Latvia, was the speaker at the seminar.


Alexander Fridman is one of the best speakers in Russia. This is an expert who covers all the competencies necessary for a Manager to manage employees professionally with his seminars.

The topic of the seminar, practical examples and statistics provided aroused great interest from the audience. Residents of The Rameyev Technopark came to listen to the speech of the famous business coach.

During 8 hours, Alexander Friedman shared his experience and secrets of success with the participants of the seminar. The speaker's speech was structured in the format of a live dialogue with the audience, supported by exercises to convert new knowledge into skills.


An experienced business coach told the audience how to properly listen to the interlocutor, ask questions, how to get in touch and what can prevent you from agreeing with the interlocutors, and many other questions that determine the success of the dialogue.

Participants of the event noted the speaker's professionalism, informative content and richness of the program, as well as a large number of useful contacts and acquaintances.

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